Exorcist's Urgent Warning: Speech Suppression in the Catholic Church
Fr. Chad Ripperger talks about the state of evil in the world! Part 01
Editor’s Note: We are sharing this in the “Free Speech” section because the priest here speaks a lot about how free speech is being snuffed out in the Catholic Church due to what he calls the “Draconian phase of modernism.” Sharing here does not equal endorsement of Catholic views on birth control etc.
Father asked me to talk tonight about what I think the state of things is. It's really bad, just in case you know, but I want to talk about the bad and then also provide some, as Father said, confidence and hope because there is actually hope coming up on the horizon. One of the things that I've been watching because, in addition to doing exorcism work, I also do a fair amount of writing and try to keep a pulse on the culture and even on the state of the church as to its kind of state. I just watch it to watch for patterns and things of this sort.
I was telling Father we did a podcast last night, which will be out tomorrow, but we were talking about the six stages of modernism. Originally, when I wrote about modernism, I said there were five stages, and that was taught to me by a teacher of mine called Monsignor Eugene Cavan, who, if you know anything about the history of the Catholic University of America, was the one fighting Charles Curran over the whole contraception thing in the 60s.
He talked about modernism and parsed it into five distinct stages which I'm not going to go into all of them. You can read them in my article called "Operative Points of View." But I told Father that I think we've entered into a sixth stage. The fifth stage is what we call the superficial stage. It's the stage where basically all the intellectual gas of the modernist heresy and the philosophical conclusions have been drawn, so there's really nothing more. By the time you get to the late 60s, there were writers such as Gerula Gr and Cornelio Fabra, who's one of my favorites. They had completely destroyed the intellectual underpinnings of modernism. But by then, the modernists had already gained ascendancy in the church and were pretty much running everything. As a result, they just weren't heard.
We've been living in this stage for about 50 or 60 years. It's a superficial stage where things people say are extraordinarily daft. You get on social media and say there are three persons in the Trinity, and you get back no there's four. I can't help you when you're saying obvious things taught by the church for its entire history, and you're getting people who claim to be good knowledgeable Catholics contradicting you. That's a serious problem; it's a sign that people's theological reasoning is extraordinarily shallow. Part of that is because it's based on the principle of imminence, which is where the standard for truth is transposed from outside objective reality to the interior. Once that happens, it just becomes our emotions that determine our patterns of thinking; it's called the effect of original sin of concupiscence. It's just what's going to happen if you think what constitutes truth is what you think it is; well then, it's just going to degenerate into feelings.
This is where we're at in our culture: you can't offend anybody, you can't say anything; if you do anything, you know if you're not woke then there's a big problem. This is a problem both outside the church and inside the church. This problem of superficiality is something we've even seen in our government for the last 40 or 50 years where policies and decisions lack depth of thought whatsoever. In fact, what they are is they're just pandering to certain things, and actually a lot are just evil in the end. But now after The Superficial stage both in modernism and even in our culture what we're starting to see now is you enter into the Draconian phase that's phase six of modernism we're in the Draconian phase.
In this Draconian phase, people in charge who are basically modernist Heretics are going to ram down your throat their belief system rather than authentic Catholicism. Part of how we know this is happening is that in the church we have this gargantuan elephant sitting in the room - gargantuan it's pink by the way - but we're not permitted to talk about it. Don't even mention it's pink just don't talk about it. We're entering into a stage where people put blinders on and they don't even want to deal with reality; people are completely disconnected from reality.
One way we know this is from a book called "The Index of Leading Catholic Indicators." It’s a bit dated but shows that by the late 1990s and early 2000s, the Church had declined in every single measurable metric except conversions in Africa (God bless the Africans). The fact is it had declined in every single measurable way except that, yet we're told this is the new Springtime; things have never been better. The minute you point out problems they cancel you; you can't call attention to facts.
This Draconian phase includes tyranny of fear where saying anything gets you into trouble. I gave a conference in New Hampshire talking about transgenderism and LGBTQ issues against natural law. Only one Bishop has said anything but even then it's soft, not clear or guiding.
We have an elephant in the room with this modernist problem: collapse in Morality among clergy, Catholics not living their faith (e.g., living together before marriage). There's little difference between Catholics and general population behaviorally. The elephant is we have a problem but can't admit it; people at top can't admit these past decades have been disastrous for Church without criticizing specific things.
One part of elephant is accepting fact that high-placed people running parts of Church are evil; every single thing they do maximizes damage which indicates malice. They promote openly homosexual individuals while canceling priests teaching authentic Doctrine—indicative of bad intentions.
We knew this was coming though; there’s more I could discuss regarding Church issues but you already know most issues without needing detail reiteration here.
Civil Authorities becoming more Draconian; we're living under soft communism or tyranny with officials shutting down truth-telling opportunities—exactly what communists do worldwide through power & control over economies within weeks during pandemic times demonstrated their reach!
Bishops rolling over when Civil Authorities speak out—not Catholic behavior given Christ's directive superseding civil authority! Yet Bishops capitulate easily—a serious problem reflecting elephantine avoidance within Church leadership circles these days!
Transgender issues abound without moral guidance from Bishops—another major issue reflecting Church's failure today!
Bill Clinton found out during presidency how unserious Catholics were about faith through study revealing high contraceptive use among couples—information used against Church then!
Overall lack of moral guidance from Church becoming more Draconian creates concern about speaking truth unencumbered leading eventually towards cancellations!
Prudence necessary when approaching public discourse lest good clergy face increased attacks going forward; seeing such trends already occurring today unfortunately!
Laypeople must stop attacking clergy lest regular access become limited through various potential causes including Civil Authorities targeting priests; spiritual chastisements precede physical ones historically speaking according St John Eudes' assertion regarding bad priests being worst possible divine punishment for communities today unfortunately too often true across globe now sadly enough!
But despite all negativity surrounding current circumstances there remains hope stemming largely from exorcists observing turning point reached recently whereby demonic influences appear diminishing slightly due overextension among Civil Authorities/church figures alike lately pushing boundaries beyond reasonable limits causing backlash among rational observers recognizing gaslighting techniques employed both inside/outside Church contexts today unfortunately though hopefully signaling eventual correction forthcoming soon!