One of your previous postings argued for the urgent de-programming of cults.

It seems to me that the current-time most destructive cult is the MAGA cult.

Trumpty Dumpty comes out of the there-is-a-sucker-born-every-minute showbiz tradition of P T Barnum. Barnum was of course wrong. In the now-time of the 21st century thousands of suckers are born every minute. Trumpty Dumpty is an expert at manipulating suckers.

Remember to that Trumpty Dumpty is a religiously and culturally illiterate nihilistic barbarian, a pathological liar and a life long professional grifter/con-man.

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Speaking of evil it seems to me that this reference provides an example of such on the part of the author of the book (Unhumams) Jack Posobiec and more importantly the now well known politician who has endorsed the book


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Our Church has been infiltrated to the highest levels without a doubt. Bergoglio is an antipope. But, I’m not so sure about Russia’s errors anymore, it seems to me that Russia is moving in the right direction towards faith and family and away from faggotry. Perhaps the healing will come from Russia

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