Exorcist's Urgent Warning: Losing the Intellectual Argument Leads to Despotism
Fr. Chad Ripperger talks about the state of evil in the world! Part 02
Editor’s Note: We are sharing this in the “Free Speech” section because the priest here speaks a lot about how free speech is being snuffed out in the Catholic Church due to what he calls the “Draconian phase of modernism.” Sharing here does not equal endorsement of Catholic views on birth control etc.
This discussion makes me wonder about some of the bishops. This is not just a problem of today; it has been around for a while. You can read St. Peter Damian's "The Book of Gomorrah" to understand that this issue has come and gone in the church. All these predictions are starting to come true, and so we know that if Our Lady and Our Lord have predicted these things, they would eventually happen.
Originally, Russia was to be the instrument of our blessing. If they had been converted, the whole geopolitical situation would have shifted, and we would have had an era of peace. Russia would have been a blessing to the world. However, because we didn't act, Our Lady said Russia will spread its errors, and many nations will fall into ruin. We're witnessing that now. Russia has become the instrument of our punishment, regardless of whether Putin has good intentions.
We know that these predictions have come true, and this tells us that everything else within those prophecies and apparitions is also true. There will be an era of peace and a resurgence of the church in such a manner that its glory will be greater than any time in history. We just have to endure the chastisement and reach the other side.
We can also see that God is starting to provide what we call "prevenient graces." These are graces that come before the grace He plans on giving, preparing things along the way. Inside the church, one reason they are becoming more draconian is because they lost the intellectual argument. The modernists pushing ideas contrary to Catholic teaching have lost the argument, and since they have lost it, they're relying on authority and force.
This is always a sign of desperation. In the next 15 to 20 years, this situation may play out in an ugly way within the church unless God intervenes beforehand. However, there is a shift happening because many younger clergy are more solid and orthodox than their older counterparts. Clergy and priests acknowledge this shift.
The first time I realized they were going to become draconian was when I read an article by Richard McBrien criticizing the orthodoxy of seminarians as a bad thing. When your ideas fail and you can't persuade people anymore, you resort to force. We're seeing this in both church and government operations.
The younger clergy coming up are more solid and desire truth. Young people are attracted to orthodox Catholic liturgy and teaching without the baggage of their older counterparts. They want to know the truth without attachments to the past 50 years.
We are living in a time warp where many older members are stuck in 1960s ideologies, liturgies, vestments, churches, preaching, and music. The liturgy should be perennial and eternal, appealing to every generation independently of societal or church changes. The generation stuck in the '60s is getting older and dying out. Eventually, orthodox priests will rise through the ranks.
These priests will suffer a lot when they're young before being able to do anything significant. As time goes on, people running the church now are getting more concerned with the lack of attachment to past ideologies among younger people.
In 1960s prudence was misunderstood. Prudence involves knowing your circumstances and having circumspection—keeping track of your surroundings. It's one of the first virtues corrupted when people get angry or lose sight of reality. Modern man wasn't different from predecessors; millions were wiped out in past generations by leaders like Stalin, Mao, and Hitler.
In 1961, a document called "Institutio Religiosorum" warned against ordaining homosexuals and pedophiles and emphasized leading chaste lives in religious life. Reform was needed for individuals in the church, not just institutional reform.
The pedophilia scandal ended talk of a "new springtime" for the church, which is now in survival mode with Catholics leaving in large numbers. If things get worse geopolitically, many may defect.
Despite this grim outlook, there is hope with good clergy rising and younger people having large families, desiring good Catholic lives. The church is shrinking but becoming more solid—a smaller, cohesive group of Catholics may emerge.
Suffering is not to be feared; it's a sign of God's preference for purification and forming saints. If young clergy suffer now, it will be for their eternal merit. Recognition in this life doesn't matter as this life is passing; eternal life is where recognition matters.
God will restore rightly ordered worship—His ultimate desire for mankind. Despite challenges, God's timing for liberation is perfect. Even when justice seems absent now, God will ensure justice later.
Don't focus on worldly turmoil like political votes; focus on God for peace amidst worldwide chaos. A blessing will bring comfort in these trying times.
Benedictamus Domino (Let us bless the Lord).
One of your previous postings argued for the urgent de-programming of cults.
It seems to me that the current-time most destructive cult is the MAGA cult.
Trumpty Dumpty comes out of the there-is-a-sucker-born-every-minute showbiz tradition of P T Barnum. Barnum was of course wrong. In the now-time of the 21st century thousands of suckers are born every minute. Trumpty Dumpty is an expert at manipulating suckers.
Remember to that Trumpty Dumpty is a religiously and culturally illiterate nihilistic barbarian, a pathological liar and a life long professional grifter/con-man.
Speaking of evil it seems to me that this reference provides an example of such on the part of the author of the book (Unhumams) Jack Posobiec and more importantly the now well known politician who has endorsed the book