Gender "Affirmation" Destroys Another Child: How to Stop the Madness
Schools are largely to blame, and most specifically the women who run those schools.
I just heard yet another sad tale of a child in my extended circle who has been engulfed by the trans cult. The stories are remarkably similar across the East and West Coast: Formerly bright, seemingly well-adjusted kid suddenly turns inward, and refuses to go to classes at their “good school.” Suddenly they have a new name, a new identity. Along with the gender swapping comes serious psychological manifestations such as depression, withdrawal to their bedroom cave, and sometimes self-harming activities as cutting.
The parents are usually progressive atheists, supportive and “affirming.” They support the child’s new pronouns and identity. Yet, the support and affirmation doesn’t seem to help. The child continues to spiral downwards.
The problem with these children is not that they aren’t being affirmed. The problem is they are being affirmed.
This crap never happened when I was a kid. Even our closeted gay classmates grew up successful despite not getting to go to prom with their preferred date. The trans crisis is entirely manufactured.
How did we get here? How did our entire system start to manufacture false trans identities?
In a recent interview for the European Conservative, Jennifer Bilek argues that billionaires using dark money pushed the trans ideology across all major institutions, that this wasn’t just a case of “social contagion.”
Certainly, money is a factor here, but no amount of money would have spread such bad ideas if the fertile soil wasn’t already in place.
You could throw all the big money advertising at me that you want, I will never, ever want to drink beer. I hate beer, and I have no interest in it.
Trans advertising only works because the groundwork was laid long before in the form of years and years of left-wing takeover of all our institutions, especially schools. In part, the trans issue wins because leftists have been trained to hate conservatives and conservative thought. But it’s more than that.
It’s the wholesale failure of women.
Yes, the fault lies with women. Women teachers, women curriculum developers, and women psychologists. And by women here, I mean biological women.
Bilek wrongly claims in her interview that the trans resistance movement should not be framed as a feminist issue:
Another mistake, in my opinion, was framing this as a feminist issue. Though I have spent a good chunk of my adult life campaigning for women’s rights, framing this as a feminist issue sets people who are against gender ideology, but who don’t agree with feminist analysis, against each other. Assaulting healthy human reproduction systems and injuring people, is a crime against humanity, not just women.
I’m not sure what she’s talking about here, but other than J.K. Rowling, the trans countermovement has not been feminist whatsoever, other than a small group of fringe radical feminists.
Mainstream feminism is all pro-trans now. In fact, if you go to NOW’s website, you will see they are all on board with the erasure of biological women. Here’s a snippet from their press release about Trump’s executive orders:
One of his first actions was to remove established legal protections that combat discrimination based on gender identity or sexual orientation, including facilities for refugees, asylum seekers and other immigrants.
Passports will no longer be issued with an “unspecified” gender marker, and the Justice Department is directed to re-examine how to take away Title IX protections for transgender students. What’s more, Trump’s order clears the way to bar transgender people from military service.
The reality is, the trans movement isn’t just fueled by male billionaires at the top, it’s fed by the women who run our schools at the local level. Who do think think is stocking the school library with pornographic books in the name of inclusion? It’s progressive female librarians, not rich male billionaires. This comes from GPT, so take it with a grain of salt, but here’s a rough breakdown of who our teachers are:
Elementary Education (K-5): Women represent a significant majority of teachers. In many countries, over 75% of elementary school teachers are women.
Middle School (Grades 6-8): The percentage of female teachers remains high but slightly lower than in elementary levels, often between 60% to 70%.
High School (Grades 9-12): The gender gap narrows further compared to elementary and middle schools. Women typically make up around 50% to 60% of the teaching workforce, depending on the subject area and location.
As of the most recent data, approximately 75% of psychologists in the United States are women. This statistic reflects a trend observed over the past few decades, where the field of psychology has increasingly become female-dominated.
So we have a bunch of addle-minded, nicey-nice women without much actual sense enabling a toxic anti-woman ideology because their brains have short-circuited.
Have you tried to talk to a “progressive” woman about how anti-woman transgenderism really is? About how it’s all about sexist stereotypes?
You’ll often see a brain freeze, along with some sort of vehement insistence that we need to be “nice.”
Funny how feminists used to be against women being “nice” for the sake of nice.
But this is part of the entire system of self-brainwashing the left has been undergoing for years now. Liberals1 - especially women - didn’t want to be the cold-hearted meanies that conservatives supposedly were. They wanted to be inclusive and supportive.
Now, any sort of criticism of an oppressed group is seen as utter annihilation.
Furthermore, if the progressive female mind allows in a single thought that “this might be wrong,” they must shut the thought down instantly, since they don’t want to be on the same side as “Orange Man Bad.”
Agreeing with a conservative on any issue makes you a bad person in the mind of a die-hard Democrat. Since conservatives are against the trans movement, liberals must therefore be for it.
For pro-choice women, who take the untenable moral position of the rightness of killing an unborn baby, an excessive overcompensation must take place in that they must express excessive care for everyone else. Thus they have an even bigger reason to believe they are right and good for “caring” for the undesirables - “migrants,” transpeople, etc.
Any consideration that a conservative (especially Trump) might be right on an issue threatens the progressive’s entire identity and sense of self-worth. They do think they are better than you are because they are “left.” And since most have no God, or follow God in Name Only, they must define themselves by their do-gooder politics or they will inwardly be empty and lost.
Thus, the need for safety - especially cognitive safety - has become a defining need for the modern “liberal.” This mentality of safe spaces also created the trans social contagion.
As a result, the entire progressive movement has become a cult from top to bottom. Their main avenue of recruiting: schools.
They use cult-like tactics to indoctrinate. Especially in schools.
See, K-12 schools aren’t what they used to be. When I went to school, we sat in orderly rows and respected the teacher. We raised our hand when we had a question. We did our homework on our own and only occasionally did group projects.
The new school zeitgeist flips this around. The “progressive” ideal is to have kids sit in a circle with the teacher, so they are all “equals.” Constant group activities are the norm.
And if you peek into your local sex ed curriculum, don’t be surprised to see that a lot of exercises involve young students inappropriately pairing up to express to their partner their feelings about being touched in ways they don’t want to be touched. In fourth grade.
Time that could be spent teaching facts is time now spent on getting kids to share their feelings.
This is a cult tactic. Get the person vulnerable by sharing something personal and you then give them a love bomb to seal the deal.
Women teachers are apparently especially vulnerable to enforcing this type of emotive schooling under the false name of “safe spaces.”
The kids, now confused because they were taught since kindergarten that both men and women can have penises, buy into the lie that changing their gender will fix their problems.
They buy the gender lie, but start to avoid school because too many scabs are being picked on in emotional group classes.
They risk having to engage in a group activity where kids are forced to tell each other something personal or embarrassing, all in the name of “building trust” or “learning” about some sort of community communication nonsense.
Who would want to go to a school like this? I sure wouldn’t. Sure, lectures are “boring” but I’d rather listen to a lecture and keep my privacy intact vs. vomiting up all my personal stuff to my schoolteacher and other students in group therapy disguised as a peer activity.
Now, President Trump has banned gender ideology teachings in school, but you know these progressive schools are going to flout the law and resist any way they can.
I believe Trump is making a huge mistake whittling down the Department of Education to nothing. No, this should not be left to the states. We need strong federal guidance to gut the schools of their cult-like programs and reinstitute simple, old-fashioned teaching that doesn’t force kids to express their emotions in large group classes.
Those of us who used to be progressive women (such as myself) also need to articulate to brainwashed progressive women what the problem with gender identity is, from a so-called “feminist” lens. I just call it “gender stereotype identity.” That helps create an opening.
Finally, men need to stop letting women run everything. I’m not saying that women are automatically bad teachers or therapists. Attorney General Pam Bondi is kicking ass right now. But with women running our K-12 schools and mental health systems now - and utterly failing at it - we can see that a gender imbalance potentially allows the worst weaknesses of that sex to take over. No, I don’t think men should take over in response. I’m saying we need a balance.
These are just a few ideas that are a drop in the bucket. Ultimately, we need to battle the cult-like thinking, and that will take a lot of work. Please share your ideas below.
Yes, yes, I know they aren’t real “liberals” anymore, but they still call themselves that.
I think the trans issue is part of a larger pattern.
A couple of decades ago, the Democratic Party abandoned the working class, and started getting funded by billionaires and rich elites.
They couldn't too obviously abandon the fight for justice and equality, so they converted it to fighting for 'oppressed' gay and trans people, DEI, and trying to make white people feel guilty for being white. It was a way to appear to be fighting for social justice and social equality while completely abandoning the fight for economic justice and economic equality.
I do wonder if the explosion in the trans population is entirely caused by wokeness in the schools. I wrote yesterday about all the microplastics now found in the human brain. Many of those plastics contain gender-bending chemicals. For all we know, every human brain contains both 'female' and 'male' emotional centres that are activated by the person's sex hormones sometime in childhood. Maybe those plastic brain chemicals are overriding the young person's sex hormones in determining which gender emotional centre gets activated.
You can blame it on woman, just as you can blame our socioeconomic collapse on politicians, and you can blame the covid response insanity on medical people and the climate change/net zero economic suicide on climate scientists. However, the singular feature of all of the above is how each of those began SIMULTANEOUSLY throughout the Western World, in a total lockstep, virtually no dissent amongst the MSM & Establishment Institutions.
The entire identity politics scam began right after the Financial Parasites stole $trillions during their pre-planned 2008 financial collapse. They had to come up with something to get people fighting with each other. The age old divide and conquer strategy of the ruling class. If these fanatical movements were organic, you would expect the distribution to be random, arising in one country for awhile, then subsiding, arising somewhere else, not in perfect coordination throughout the Western World, as it has been.
And now we know a whole lot of this was being financed and promoted by the CIA/NED/USAID and similar foreign "intelligence" agencies.
Make no mistake about it, Trans people were quite happy to remain unnoticed, quietly in the background, until our ruling Overlords decided to exploit them for social & political control. This is just sickening. When are people going to wake up to the fact that we are being manipulated?
And final point that you have to ask is, Who is the Central Authority controlling all this madness? Think Davos, Geneva, London, Wall St., then you will understand what is going on.