Thanks for writing this up. This is an important story and it should be getting more traction! Funny, I had just purchased two stainless steel reusable covered coffee mugs (for tea) because one of the mugs we had was plastic and it is old enough it's probably not BPA-free either.

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Ah, yes, BPA. That opens another whole can of worms. It's not just microplastics that are entering the brain in frightening quantities, it's all the additives in those plastics which are also entering the brain: BPA, obesogens (chemicals that make you fat) and endrocrine disruptors messing up our hormones, particularly the sex hormones.

These chemicals are not in just in the body, they're in the brain itself. What long-term effects will hormone-mimicking chemicals leaching from plastics in the brain have on fertility, gender differentiation, even our felt experience of gender?

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