Not Every Damn Thing Is a Conspiracy
Remember the Boy Who Cried Wolf? The Comfort of the Conspiracy Blankie
Right now, there is a conspiracy running around that claims that the LA fires were set on purpose using DEW lasers to turn the city into a 15-minute village format. Except, this makes no damn sense, as I explained yesterday, for the simple fact that burning the Palisades does not raze the rest of the city, which is far more run-down and a better candidate for rebuilding.
Never mind that LA is already set up well for 15-minute cities; they just need to upgrade some traffic lights and add some road barriers.
Please see the map above for the massive area in the red, the main LA basin, which has not been impacted by the current fires.
This current knee-jerk conspiracy theory ignores the geography of Los Angeles in a bid to get people worked up over a nebulous group of elites, while ignoring other, often more urgent threats such as arsonists coming up from over our open border.
It also hurts the cause of the freedom movement, because we just end up looking reactionary and downright superstitious instead of thoughtful.
It reminds me of the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, where some influencers were claiming, thanks to the alleged Deagle forecast, that half the population was going to die. At least. And then the shots started, and the story was that everyone who got the shots would die within two years.
These hyperbolic statements hurt the real cause of vaccine safety, and made “normies” blind to the realities of high rates of real side effects.
The Boy Who Cried Wolf is a classic fable that tells the tale of a young shepherd who abuses his position to get attention from the towns folk. Here’s how it goes:
A young shepherd boy, tasked with watching over a flock of sheep, grew bored with his daily routine. To liven things up, he decided to shout "Wolf! Wolf!" even though there was no wolf in sight. The villagers rushed to his aid, only to find they had been deceived. Amused by their reaction, the boy repeated this trick a few more times, each time drawing the same result. However, when a wolf truly appeared and threatened his flock, the boy cried out for help in earnest, but the villagers, weary of his false alarms, ignored him. Consequently, the wolf made off with several sheep, teaching the boy a valuable lesson about the importance of honesty.
Right now, we have a lot of people in the what I’ll call the “Truth and Freedom Movement” (or TFM for short) who are crying wolf.
The “wolf” right now is the elites…Illuminati…globalists…whatever you want to call them. I’ll call them the Evil Cabal.
And according to many TFM influencers, EVERYTHING, and I mean, EVERYTHING, is the fault of the wolf. Every shooting, every terror attack, every natural disaster, every virus.
The problem with this is that it’s just not true. The Evil Cabal is not God. They do not control everything that happens. And even if it were, yelling like Chicken Little about the sky falling, without responding rationally, only sets you up for further exploitation at best.
Once upon a time, Chicken Little was strolling through the woods when an acorn fell from a tree and struck her on the head. Alarmed, she cried, "The sky is falling!" Determined to warn the king, she hurried off, meeting Henny Penny, Ducky Lucky, and other friends along the way. Each joined her urgent quest, equally convinced that the sky was indeed tumbling down. As they traveled, they encountered the sly Foxy Loxy, who offered to show them the way to the king. Trusting him, they followed Foxy Loxy into his den, where he and his family awaited a feast. And so, they all met their end.
I’m not opposed to conspiracy theories. In fact, I believe in Grand Daddy of Conspiracies, mainly, that the US faked the moon landing. So please don’t lecture me that I’m a sheeple.
However, I started noticing many years ago, around the time that Alex Jones got himself into trouble with Sandy Hook, that there was an increasing tendency to call everything a conspiracy. Initially, much conspiracy energy was focused on big, main events. Moon landing, JFK assassination, 9/11 truth.
No-one claimed back in the day that the Northridge Earthquake was faked or caused by elites. It was just an earthquake.
Then, Truth and Freedom Movement influencers upped the game. They started preaching that every mass shooting wasn’t a real mass shooting. It was “obviously” a faked mass shooting, a “false flag.”
Why evil people who want to rule the world and allegedly have tunnels filled with exploited kids would fake a school shooting instead of actually killing everyone is beyond me. But somehow, this idea that elites “faked” school shootings got stuck into the public consciousness.
Alex Jones got into trouble for floating the idea that Sandy Hook wasn’t a real shooting. He hosted TFM influencers who claimed the whole thing was made up from start to finish to institute a gun grab. That the kids were all alive and the grieving parents on the news were crisis actors. Idiots on the Internet decided that this theory gave them free reign to harass, stalk, and threaten the parents, which is why Alex Jones recently had to file for bankruptcy.
While I think the Sandy Hook case has been abused to silence Alex Jones, and the real people responsible for stalking the parents are the stalkers themselves, this illustrates an important point:
There is a dark side to the Truth and Freedom Movement. A very dark side.
TFM influencers have done a number of the minds of their followers. Doom is addicting. Let’s get real. There’s also an ego allure in thinking you are “in the know” and aren’t one of the “sheeple” who buys everything the mainstream tells you.
There is also money to be made via clicks and subscriptions. I can tell you right now that I’d be a lot more popular if I was automatically blaming the Evil Cabal with every event. It’s weirdly emotionally satisfying to read about constant conspiracy theories.
But our world is not that simple. Sometimes someone becomes a mass shooter simply because they were abused as a kid and their antidepressants made them more violent. Not every lone gunman is an MK Ultra victim. Not every terrorist was “allowed” or “paid for” by the US government.
Many of our current problems are due to stupidity and incompetence, not evil masterminds.
If you believe the Chicken Little Conspiracy Theorists, however, the Evil Cabal has so much godly control that they create every hurricane, every major windstorm, every wildfire, and every earthquake.
Look, I’m not saying weather control isn’t a thing. But no, I don’t believe every fire or blizzard is caused by Dr. Evil in his castle using magic space lasers.
I even saw a comment today by someone who said they knew for sure that the fires in LA were purposefully caused by people wanting to create smart cities, because “they couldn’t be that stupid.”
Oh yes, they can be that stupid.
It’s more comforting, perhaps, to believe that ultra smart, ultra wealthy, and ultra sinister forces are controlling everything as well as faking everything.
Fake fires and fake elementary school deaths are far more comforting than the scary reality of idiots in power and everyday monsters among us.
This is what I call the “Conspiracy Blankie.” I coined this term when a bunch of TFM influencers claimed that the drones were simply a psy-op to create new laws:
But finally, I honestly think a good portion of online conspiracy psychology is now centered around wanting everything to be fake. Because it’s far more comforting to believe that the US government or hidden Illuminati is making fake viruses, or fake drone sightings, or fake whatever, than to believe that we are truly at risk from something outside our government’s control.
In other words, people like snuggling with their Conspiracy Blankie.
Believing that the drones are a psy-op is far more comforting than to consider that China may actually be spying on our homeland without any way for our government to stop it.
It frankly blows my mind how many people just calmly accepted as a given that the drones must all be ours and so we shouldn’t worry about it. Even with the idea that the drones were looking for nuclear material!
Why is it more comforting to believe that a singular group of evil people run everything?
People want a father figure of sorts. The Evil Cabal is that father figure. Sure, they are evil and controlling, but it’s still someone in control.
The real reality is much scarier - chaos! Multiple enemies and cruel fate causing death and destruction when we least expect it.
Now, I’m not saying that there are never conspiracies going on. Or that conspiracies aren’t at least a factor in current events.
Take the Los Angeles fires. This looks to me like a mix of incompetent leadership, high winds, and some arson.
But if the Evil Cabal really wanted to raze Los Angeles with DEWs, they would have hit the Hollywood Hills hard with multiple fires at the same time. Why work so hard to put out the Sunset Fire and stop the Palisades Fire from leaking over the 405, if the goal was to burn all of LA down?
Now, let’s say that the fires do spread again in the next day or so thanks to high winds. This does not mean the Evil Cabal used HAARP to create high winds that inflamed fire spots started by Directed Energy Weapons.
It might simply mean that high winds cause existing fires to grow and get out of control.
Where the Evil Cabal IS at fault is in opening our borders, so hostile aliens from American-hating countries could come into the US. Those “immigrants” have been caught starting fires as well as organizing gangs to loot homes in fire-torn areas of LA.
Isn’t purposeful open borders enough of a conspiracy for you?
The real conspiracy here is not that Pacific Palisades needed to be burned down to create a smart city for the 2028 Olympics. No, the more mundane conspiracy is that Democrats want a permanent voter majority and they think that importing tons of immigrants is the way to do that.
But the more mundane conspiracy gets lost in the hyperbole.
Just as the covid virus is real - and it’s not snake venom either - so too are arson-fueled wildfires. No DEWs needed for those. And vaccine side effects are real, no need to make it sound all cray-cray by claiming that the vaccines are turning you into a radio antenna.
When you go from zero to 11 with conspiracy theories right out of the box, it just makes the entire Truth and Freedom Movement look crazy. Everyone else stops listening. They roll their eyes.
Be judicious in what you are spreading around.
And have some self-awareness. Look, I know a fake Moon Landing sounds nutso to some people, and there are good arguments against it. I don’t make it my opening statement when I meet people or claim that I know for sure that it was faked. I’m open to other evidence.
Ultimately, the definition of a sheeple is someone who just goes along with the rest of the sheep. No independent thinking. Just baahing as everyone is herded towards one answer.
Instant conspiracy theories, which can create a lot of likes and attention for TFM influencers, can also create sheeple reactions.
Try thinking beyond that and consider other possibilities, that’s all I’m saying.
Hanlons razor. Never attribute to malloce what can be properly explained by incompetence.
True - I am guilty of this way of thinking too