You need to stop gaslighting the public, you’re part of the problem.

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“… incompetence is much more likely here than nefarious masterminds….” These two concepts are not mutually exclusive.

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I like how one guy, the smart one, refused to evacuate, instead he was prepared with breathing apparatus, fire resistant suit, gas pumps and a big swimming pool of water. All he had to do is go around dowsing a bit of water when an ember fell on his property, and kept his roof wet, was actually pretty easy, he saved his property and his two neighbors, and most of his trees, while the properties all around him were destroyed.

And he never seen one fire truck the whole time. 100's of $millions in destruction, and not one lousy fire truck.

Similar thing in Kamloops, B.C. Residents banded together, went around dowsing spot fires, saved their homes while the Fire service flew their expensive helicopters dropping loads on fire fronts, they're too chicken to put people on the ground doing the bull work of putting out spot fires, near buildings.

It's not rocket science to protect buildings from wildfires. It's easy if you use a bit of common sense and prepare. All the politicians and administrators involved in that destruction need to be immediately fired.

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I explain the point of this communist/ collectivist induced wildfire, unrestricted warfare falseflag psychological operation.

Fake wildfires are real fires caused by:

1) DEW Directed Energy Weapons

2) Leftist Beauricrats sabotaging common sense procedure to reduce fire damage, a.k.a. sabotage

3) leftist activists like Antifa purposefully set fire to prove climate change is the cause ( who are then protected by leftist bureaucrats).

I give a bunch of examples which prove the point, and the pattern is proven again in California right now.

The MSM news blames man-made climate change for the fires, and the only solution is less personal freedom, more government control and more money thrown at climate change.

All evidence proving what I just outlined is labelled dangerous conspiracy theory. Because of the multiple vecter of cause anyone pushing only one, is dismissed because other explanations are available.

See the pattern.

Get wise to fake wild fire psi-ops in my podcast here:


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You don't need a DEW to start a forest fire with high winds and dry brush. A cigarette will do. This is where people lose me.

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If you listen to the podcast you will understand. Climate activists are setting fire, and the media and government are blaming climate change. No DEW is needed. The DEW fingerprints are everywhere though, if you know what to look for. Why do you think they are arresting drone operators and seizing their evidence footage?

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Catherine Austin fitts also, idk if she's on substack, but she talks about acquiring property quickly and cheaply after disasters, riots, etc as opposed to the time and expensive of acquiring it legitimately.

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This is a simplistic analysis at best. We're not just talking about a building here and there but the entire infrastructure of the area is destroyed and that's very expensive to rebuild. It also doesn't explain why they allegedly "purposefully" burned the nice elite homes and not the crappy ones in South Central.

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Did you even look for cliff notes on naomi Klein's book 'disaster capitalism'? You can't build back better when people are satisfied with what they have. What does maui look like today? Do those people have their homes back? I suspect many parts of the LA basin will be deemed too dangerous to build on, weren't homeowner policies being cancelled right before this happened? Legislation will be pushed through before people are over their shock. It's hard to accept the truth when it's ugly and often you feel like you wished you had just left it alone. Deborah tavarez, another good resource, calls it truth trauma. The late rosa koire, is another great resource on agenda 21/2030. Peggy hill, the healthy american has a substack and offers some mind blowing critical thinking. Diva drops, sage hannah, katherine watt, there are a ton of good critical thinkers on substack, and I know I'm leaving out many. I dont agree with all of them all the time of course, but that should be a debate, not a fight. We need to come together not push ourselves apart.

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"It's hard to accept the truth when it's ugly and often you feel like you wished you had just left it alone." WHAT truth? I see a lot of armchair analysis by people who aren't in the know and don't have any real sources but make broad proclamations as if they know, who AUTOMATICALLY call every damn event some sort of false flag. That's not truth. It's wild speculation stated as fact with no actual evidence. It's also damn good click bait. It makes for a better story than just garden variety terrorists.

As for this: "You can't build back better when people are satisfied with what they have." Once again, WHY would elites burn down their OWN neighborhoods?

"I dont agree with all of them all the time of course, but that should be a debate, not a fight." You are the one here trying to argue with me that I'm wrong, that I should buy all the wild speculation. You're also using language like "critical thinkers" to imply that everyone who doesn't agree with these specific conspiracy theories to be non-thinkers. Sorry, no, automatically calling every disaster story a false flag is not thinking critically.

Furthermore, I don't think calling every major event a conspiracy without real evidence is helpful to the cause for freedom. It is very counterproductive in the long run. I'll write up an article on why in the near future.

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What about the 'smart' infrastructure? Listen to whitney webb talk about how everything will be 'smart'. Streetlights will be able to call 911. Miles of sprawling 15 minute neighborhoods isn't part of the plan. Just a few generations ago in the east we had 15 minute communities too. Each mining town had it's own post office, school, store, parks, dr, etc. People were free to come and go but mostly shopped and lived their daily lives in their own towns. That died with the death (or should I say murder?) Of american steel and coal. I can remember back in the late 60s/early 70s how our parents were sold on bussing all the kids to one larger school-'it didnt make sense to try and keep up with all the small schools, maintenance alone was far too hard and expensive, the school I was attending at the time the boiler was in such bad shape as to be dangerous, like sitting on a bomb' I think is what the principal told my mom.

I'm not trying to tell Californians what to think, obviously you are there and I am not, but from a distance it looks much too coordinated to be due to incompetence alone, I'm sure it played a part but the players will be forced out and a new team of incompetent leaders will be called in to replace them. Theres more to 15 minute cities than walkable green communities, its about control. This is devastating to watch and I can't imagine living through it. My heart goes out to the people who live in those neighborhoods.

California is like a smaller version of America itself, the place of dreams. Where did those with really big dreams want to go? Most likely it was California, and If you want your neighborhoods back, your standard of living back you're going to need to fight for it, refuse to give in. In addition to whitney webb read naomi Klein's book, disaster capitalism, it is very good and nothing she has written or said since has negated it.

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"What about the 'smart' infrastructure?" Exactly how is burning down a small area of LA in the mountains going to enable more control and infrastructure across the entire LA basin? This makes no sense. If they want to put in a smart grid they'll just rip up the streets. Burning everything down in the mountains has, pardon my French, fuck all to do with fixing the rest of the sprawl. Stop ascribing motive when incompetence is far more likely. You give these people far too much credit. They aren't that smart.

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BTW, I want to make it clear that I am not saying they aren't implementing 15-minute cities. What I am saying is that the basic infrastructure is in place and all they would need to do in LA is maybe upgrade some cabling and add some barriers. There is no need to burn it down.

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It has nothing to do with real 15min cities, that's just the usual lofty title of their plan they chose because it sounds nice, as they do with every nutty or insidious plan they invoke nowadays. Like "Patriot Act" and "Inflation Reduction Act". If anything they do the opposite of what the title says.

What it is all about is moving people from single family housing, that is largely owned by the residents, to giant skyscraper apartments, owned by the likes of BlackRock, and rented to us plebes at exorbitant rates, even one room "pods" for which you will pay $1500/mo without even a bathroom. They've already admitted that they want to have ~4 giant multi-national corporations run the whole World.

It's a Rent-Seekers paradise. "You will own nothing and be happy" snicker, snicker. We will own everything and you will rent everything off of us, and we can starve you (by cutting your credit) any time we want. And the 15min ghettos will be more about preventing people from gathering in large numbers i.e. protests and revolts, than facilitating easy access to goods & services. No personal vehicles, travel restricted.

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Once again, SmithFS, why the fudge would they purposefully burn down the beautiful mansions of the elite to make skyscrapers instead of burn down the crappy rundown areas of LA? See, this is where this conspiracy theory is just stupid! Because as I said in the article, the areas of LA "they" probably would like to destroy and rebuild the most ARE NOT NEXT TO THE MOUNTAINS.

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I didn't say they purposefully burnt them down. I was just referring to the "15 min city" scam being perpetrated by the WEF/UN & gang. Just like their Climate Change Crisis scam. I mean, maybe there is some level of a REAL CC crisis, but that's not what the WEF/UN gang are about, any more than their Covid Plandemic was the Real Deal. Fake Crises, Fake plans that may have some modicum of truth but that is just for spin.

I don't really know what happened in Palisades and area, there was definite arson going on, undeniably extreme incompetence. Could be they more generally let their wildfire prevention deteriorate because they love crises like their wars, and bioengineered virus plandemics. As they say: "Never let a crisis go to waste". And that mostly wealthy homes were the victims in this case was just a fluke, and they would have preferred it happened in the rundown areas as happened in Hawaii. I really don't know enough to have an opinion one way or another on that particular point.

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