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Given the level of damage done to existing institutions, particularly educational institutions, creating new (and hopefully better) institutions looks by far to be the most promising direction.

The public school system needs to be dismantled in its entirety. Between the teachers' unions and the politicized and entrenched bureaucracy, actual teaching is all but impossible. I've actually done a fair bit of teaching, both as a developmental studies tutor when I was in college and as an instructor teaching/training junior technicians and engineers during my IT career. Teaching is fascinating and rewarding--and I would be a fool to set foot in a public school today.

This is one reason I am a strong advocate of home schooling. The more kids are taken out of the public school system, the less funding the public schools get, and so the beast gets starved. Hopefully, it will get starved to death. Home schooling also deepens parent-child interactions.

The remainder of the school system should then be fully privatized. Schools should have to compete in the marketplace for students as well as teachers, and both schools and teachers need to be fully answerable to the parents for the quality of education delivered.

I believe the societal level of knowledge to build new educational institutions still exists. All that is needed is the societal will. People have to choose to come together to organize and then build these new institutions--establish schools, start teaching classes, et cetera.

This is no small effort, but it is quite doable. All that is required is for people to begin organizing and planning ways to make the effort a reality.

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